Benefits of transparent communication at work

2019-08-07T12:03:29+02:00May 22nd, 2014|Leadership|

Do you ever wonder about the reason behind a question ? And do you find it reassuring when the questioner spontaneously clarifies how the question came up ? The result is transparent communication. The same goes for communication at work around new targets, the strategy to achieve a target, how teams are being reformed... Explaining the "why" [...]

Contact – the start of any relationship

2019-08-07T12:03:10+02:00April 10th, 2014|Effective communication|

Where does communication usually go wrong ? At the start, midway or towards the end ? “Well begun is half done” is an old saying and a  “truism”. In building a good relationship those very first moments, the first impression is crucial for its success. Contact is essential to bring on optimum communication. Something going wrong in this phase [...]

The strategic aquarium at work

2019-08-07T12:03:01+02:00March 14th, 2014|Authenticity|

Authenticity versus strategic self-preservation What marine life has in common with behaviour at work Do you show your real self to your team, employees and peers at work ? Do you share your strenghts, weaknesses, dreams, feelings and what inspires you with other people ? Or do you keep your vulnerability hidden beneath a solid [...]

How vulnerability relates to authenticity

2019-08-07T12:02:54+02:00March 2nd, 2014|Authenticity|

In her TED talk about vulnerability Brené Brown talks about her findings of research she conducted over many years on the universal wish of people to feel connected. She explains how some people find it very easy to connect with people around them and for others it remains a struggle to feel loved and belonging. After [...]

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